Understanding the types of ocean currents is crucial to appreciating their profound impact on our planet. This post explores the concept of ocean currents, their classification into surface and deep currents, and the unique characteristics that define each type.
Types of Ocean Currents:
There are two types of Ocean Currents. They are,
- Surface Currents and
- Deep Currents

Surface Currents:
- Surface Currents develop from friction between the ocean and the wind that blows across its surface.
- Make up 10% of ocean water.
- Up to a maximum depth of 400 m.
- Generally, they move in a spiral or circular pattern.
Deep Currents:
- Make up about 90% of ocean water.
- Differences in density cause them to move.
- Differences in density are related to temperature and salinity.
- At high latitudes, they sink deep into the ocean basins.
- Temperatures are so cold; They cause the density to increase.