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Crystallography and Minerals

Crystal System

Crystal System

A Crystal system includes all the symmetry classes that share a similar constant of lattice parallelepiped. The...

Types of Minerals

Types of Minerals

Before we learn about mineral types, we must know what minerals are. There are a few characteristics before we...

Economic & Historical Geology

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Types of Metamorphic Texture

Types of Metamorphic Texture

Types of Metamorphic Texture form due to varying pressure and temperature conditions. They are classified into...

Types of Protoliths

Types of Protoliths

Types of Protoliths: The following rock properties allow the recognition of protoliths: Relict fabrics: In low-grade...

Types of Deviatoric Stress

Types of Deviatoric Stress

Deviatoric Stress or Directed Pressure: Deviatoric stress is produced by tectonic forces in the Earth, such as plate...


Groups of Metamorphic Facies

Groups of Metamorphic Facies

What are Metamorphic Facies? A metamorphic facies consists of metamorphic mineral assemblages that repeatedly develop...

Factors of Ocean Currents

Factors of Ocean Currents

Ocean Currents can be generated by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity...