Sphericity measures how closely a particle’s shape resembles a sphere. It helps in understanding grain durability, transport history, and geological processes. A perfect sphere has a sphericity of 1.00, while other shapes have lower values. This concept is crucial in sedimentology and material sciences for analyzing particle shape and behavior.

What is sphericity?

Shape describes the geometric form of a particle and is the qualitative description of grains. The quantitative or numerical index is increasing for mathematical or graphical analysis of shape. Sphericity has been chosen as a standard as it is the smallest among all shapes.

It is generally measured in grains larger than 4mm in diameter. for a sphere, the ratio has a value of 1.00, and for all other shapes, the value will be less than 1.00.

How is sphericity measured?

Shape describes the geometric form of a particle the shape is the qualitative description of grains. The quantitative or numerical index is increasing for mathematical or graphical analysis of shape.

It has been chosen as a standard because it is the smallest among all shapes. Sphericity has the smallest surface area for a given volume, and as such, it has the greatest settling velocity in a fluid for a given volume than any solid of any other shape.

It is taken as a standard of reference, and the term sphericity has been proposed as a measure of the approach of other shapes in the form of a sphere.

Sphericity states quantitively how nearly equal the three dimensions of a particle are. According to wodell (1933), sphericity is:

Circumscribing sphere:

The circumscribing sphere is the smallest sphere that will just enclose the particle; the longest diameter of the particle is considered as the diameter of the circumscribing sphere, measured in cm scale.

Inseriabed circle p(rho) =

It is generally measured in grains larger than 4mm in diameter. for a sphere, the ratio has the value of 1.00 and for all other shape, the value will be less than 1.00.

Importance of sphericity:

The importance of sphericity and roundness are:

  • They indicate the original shape of the fragments.
  • They indicate the original structure of the fragments.
  • They indicate the durability of the materials
  • They indicate the nature of the geological agent
  • They indicate the nature of the action to which the fragments are subjected.
  • They indicate the time and distance of traveling.