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Kerogen and its types in geology.
What is Kerogen? Kerogen is defined as the organic material in sedimentary rocks that is insoluble in organic solvents...
Formation and Classification of Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon: Chemically, hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon. What are the...
Natural Gas: Its Origins, Composition and Classification
Natural Gas: Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon (lower) that occurs in nature and exits in a gaseous state at...
Crystallography and Minerals
Types of Metamorphic Reactions
Metamorphic Reaction: The study of metamorphic reactions provides vital information about the pressure and temperature...
Non-Foliated Rocks: Definition and Types.
Non-foliated rocks are metamorphic rocks without a layered structure, forming under uniform pressure or due to mineral...
Foliated Rocks and Their Types in Metamorphism
Foliated rocks include slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, and migmatite. Each type varies in grain size, mineral...
Economic & Historical Geology
Biostratigraphy of Bangladesh
The Cenozoic succession of Bangladesh has been differentiated into a number of biostratigraphic units, viz.,...
Major Classification of The Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Depending on the geomorphological features, the coastal region of Bangladesh can broadly be divided into the following...
Method of grain size
Grain size classifies sedimentary particles from coarse gravel to fine clay using scales like Udden’s and Atterberg’s....
Natural Gas: Its Origins, Composition and Classification
Natural Gas: Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbon (lower) that occurs in nature and exits in a gaseous state at...
Petroleum: Its Physical Properties and Chemical Classification
Petroleum is an essential fossil fuel composed of a natural mixture of hydrocarbons, including crude oil, natural gas,...
Radiolaria: Its Basis of Classification and Application.
Radiolaria: Radiolaria are free-floating protists with roughly spherical cells and thread-like pseudopodia extending...
Kerogen and its types in geology.
What is Kerogen? Kerogen is defined as the organic material in sedimentary rocks that is insoluble in organic solvents...
Formation and Classification of Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbon: Chemically, hydrocarbons are organic compounds composed entirely of hydrogen and carbon. What are the...
Classification of conglomerate
Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock formed from rounded pebbles or clasts held together by a finer matrix. Its...