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Sedimentary Structure: Classification and Development Explained
Sedimentary Structure: These are large-scale features or patterns of sediments that are produced as a result of the...
Biostratigraphy of Bangladesh
The Cenozoic succession of Bangladesh has been differentiated into a number of biostratigraphic units, viz.,...
Major Classification of The Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Depending on the geomorphological features, the coastal region of Bangladesh can broadly be divided into the following...
Crystallography and Minerals
The Basics of Bohr’s Model
Niels Bohr introduced Bohr’s model of the atom as an enhancement of Rutherford’s atomic model. Rutherford had...
Overview of Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium: When the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal, the concentration of the reactants...
The laws of thermodynamics
Thermodynamics focuses on the interactions between heat, work, and temperature, exploring how these elements connect...
Economic & Historical Geology
Geological Time Scale
What is the Geological Time Scale? The geological time scale is a system geologists use to subdivide the great span of...
What is an ore?
Ore is a naturally occurring sediment or rock deposit that contains one or two or more number of economically valuable...
What is Economic Geology
Economic Geology is a branch of geology that deals with Economic Mineral Deposits. Also, deals with the genesis, mode...
Suture and Its Types Present in Foraminifera.
Suture: The suture is the position on the surface of the test where the septa join the wall of the test. With...
The Ecological Factors and Application of Foraminifera
The Ecological Factors of Foraminifera: The ecological factors that control the distribution of foraminifera in marine...
Foraminifera: Definition, Characteristics, and Importance
Foraminifera are tiny, single-celled organisms with intricate shells called tests, made of calcium carbonate or...
Fabric in Sedimentary Rocks: Definition, Types, and Importance
What is Fabric: Fabric means the orientation of grains. It is a property of grain aggregates. Any non-spherical object...
Types of Evolution
Types of evolution shape how species change over time. Divergent evolution splits one species into two, convergent...
Sphericity: Definition, Measurement, and Importance
Sphericity measures how closely a particle’s shape resembles a sphere. It helps in understanding grain durability,...