Types of Deviatoric Stress

Types of Deviatoric Stress

Deviatoric Stress or Directed Pressure: Deviatoric stress is produced by tectonic forces in the Earth, such as plate motions; this pressure brings about change to produce foliations and lineation’s. This is commonly represented in terms of three stress values in the...
Application of Sedimentology

Application of Sedimentology

Sedimentology, the study of sedimentary rocks and their formation, is essential in geology. Its applications span engineering, petroleum, hydrogeology, economic geology, environmental science, and paleontology. What is Sedimentology? There is a term called...
Metamorphic Texture

Metamorphic Texture

Metamorphic Textures Small-scale features that occur in virtually all of the rock body at the microscopic scale The term ‘Fabric’ is also used synonymously. As the rock-forming processes differ among types of metamorphism, the resulting texture is also different....
Types of Metamorphism

Types of Metamorphism

Classification Contact Metamorphism Pyrometamorphism Regional Metamorphism Orogenic Metamorphism Burial Metamorphism Ocean Floor Metamorphism Hydrothermal Metamorphism Fault-Zone Metamorphism Impact or Shock Metamorphism 1. Contact Metamorphism Temperature is the...